Actor Problems Podcast

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You're an actor because you love it. Because it's fun! Because you can't *not* do it. But have you ever wondered why we're so damn stressed?

Actor Problems is a self care podcast for actors. It helps actors see things differently with the things that make us stressed so that you can focus on what matters.

We can be messy - and still get the things we want.

.Click either link to listen on your desired platform!

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Books and Podcasts


Backstage articles

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Need a good book for actors?

Or maybe just some good reading for stressing less?

From acting to health to relationships - the following list has some of my favorite reads that have helped me see things differently.

Click here to check them out!

PS - There’s a bunch of podcasts on there too for those who don’t like reading :)

PSS - Wanna try out audible? Go Not only is your first read free, but keep the book regardless of how long you keep your membership!

Note that these links include affiliate links. (So like, buy two or three, please… ;) )

Rejected by an agent?

Watching your friends book more work than you?

Trying to figure out why you weren’t cast?

I’ve written over a dozen articles helping actors see things differently in a plethora of areas. Check it out and see which ones apply to you!

Click to read!

Come connect with your fellow artists! This journey is much more fun when we realize, “Oh….it’s not just me.”

Click to join!